Archive for June, 2014
Your Family Doctor is not preventing you from getting the care you “deserve.”
A recent unintentional severe insult: Family Doctors are Gatekeepers. I was recently at a dinner where a professional triathlete was speaking. After the dinner and his speech, I introduced myself and was extremely delighted to meet a professional athlete in a sport that I enjoy. We began chatting, and he quickly discovered that I was […]
Testosterone Testing
– Recent lab data was compiled regarding lab testing of testosterone levels in men. For the first 3 months of this year (2014) between 1.2 and 1.4 million men were tested each month and almost 50% of those testes had testosterone levels less than 300. This is a very low level and is associated with […]
Diabetes Stops Here
29 Million!!! That’s the number of known diabetics in the US in just released new medical data from 2012. Of course that means there are even more now in 2014. This same report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that there are another 89 million Americans at risk for developing full blown diabetes. […]
Unusual, Brand New Treatment for Abnormal PAP Smears:
Unusual, Brand New Treatment for Abnormal PAP Smears: As many of you already know, the medical field has been changing a lot of its guidelines, treatment regimens, and screening programs for women over the past 10 years. There has been an extraordinary amount of media attention to the mammography debacle, and every society has a […]
New therapy makes joint replacement seem archaic. BodyStem™
This new therapy makes joint replacement seem archaic. We call it: BodyStem™. Have you had joint pain for years? Do you have an old football injury that never healed? Do your knees hurt every time you get out of the car? Do your hips hurt for the first 30 minutes of every morning? Does your […]
How’s your Cholesterol?
Cholesterol Testing. How’s your Cholesterol? Cholesterol testing in the routine, usual manner is simply not enough information to adequately allow your Doctor to maximally protect you against heart disease. Exciting new information recently presented at this year’s American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session clearly shows the need for advanced lipid testing when considering how best […]