Archive for October, 2014
Eggs: Are They Good For You
Many people are very confused on whether or not they should eat eggs. The truth is that eggs are a very healthy source of protein and other vitamins and minerals, however all eggs are not created equal. This makes shopping for them quite confusing. Being knowledgeable regarding the wording on the carton can make shopping easier and help […]
Insomnia – Meet Your Enemies (Part 1 of 2)
We have all been there: Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, watching the fan blades turn over and over again. You lie there wishing that you could turn your brain off like you could turn the fan off. Many Americans suffer from Insomnia for years, and like many psychological disorders, it is being worsened […]
Sinus Infection
Sinus infections trouble many Americans every year. It is a leading cause of Urgent Care visits during the winter months. A bacterial sinus infection is frequently initiated by a viral infection that lingers for too long. Here is some basic information as well as tips to avoid sinus infections. What is a sinus? A sinus, […]
Urgent Care – Stitches
Urgent Care: Stitches, Steri-strips, and Dermabond Lacerations are considered a minor emergency since they need to be fixed urgently. Believe it or not, the skin heals very quickly. Although the entire wound may not be closed, a wound becomes more difficult to stitch (suture) back together as time passes. By 12 hours, the wound may […]
Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions about MTHFR
MTHFR Mutation is a common mutation found in our society. In fact, 70% of the population has at least 1 copy of the mutation. It is commonly associated with many conditions: Many psychiatric illnesses (depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, ADD, bipolar, etc) Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Attacks, Strokes) Blood Clots (DVT) Obesity Fatigue Irritable Bowel […]