
Reducing Heart Disease Risk

A recent study by researchers in Spain (February 2014 issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology) found that people taking the free Heart Age test were more likely to be helped with reducing heart disease risk than those using the older, but more well known Framingham score. Take the free test and if […]

American Heart Month Turns 50

In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the month of February to be American Heart Month. With that being said, each February for the past 50 years, the goal of the American Heart Association (AHA) has been to urge Americans to take responsibility for their heart health. Many things have changed in the […]

Obesity: An Alarming Public Health Concern

Many clinical research studies have proven the prevalence of obesity in the country. For instance, the Health, United States, 2012 revealed that 69.2% of Americans aged 20 years and above are overweight. The statistics are even more alarming in younger age groups as the Prevalence of Obesity in the United States, 2009-2010 stated that 18.4% […]

Pap smear: Who needs it?

A Pap smear, or Pap test, is a cervical screening procedure that aims to detect cancerous or pre-cancerous processes in your cervix by collecting cells and placing it under a microscope to look for possible abnormalities. By promptly detecting cancerous cells in your cervix through a Pap test, you have a greater chance at being […]

Protect yourself from shingles!

Although shingles is not known to be fatal, adults suffering from it may experience extreme inconvenience due to the fever, chills, body pain, fatigue, and headache it may cause. They are caused by a virus called varicella-zoster – the same virus that causes chickenpox. Studies suggest that people who suffered from chicken pox have a […]

New research study from Harvard shows Nut consumption reduces risk of death

On Wednesday, the New England Journal of Medicine published a research study from Harvard that showed people who eat nuts on a daily basis are around 20% less likely to die of any cause than those who did not eats nuts regularly. According to the study, which tracked over 118,000 men and women, the people ate a […]

Autumn months are flu months

Flu season is considered to be the time each year that is characterized by the prevalence of outbreaks. In the U.S., flu season is estimated to occur as early as October and as late as May. Seasonal flu activity usually peaks around January to February though. The exact reason behind rash of outbreaks is still […]

Leg Veins, Who Needs Them?

It is now June and in Texas it only means one thing: barbecue season. While we’re outside enjoying time with our family and friends, we want to beat the heat with shorts, dresses, and skirts. Some of us may cringe at this thought because we are uncomfortable with the look of visible veins on our […]