How Toxins Make You Fat – It’s Time to Detox!

You have probably heard the word “Detox” muttered a few thousand times around friends and on television. What is all the fuss about? Well, first, let me start off by saying that the word “detox” is used very loosely these days. Everyone is selling some type of “detox,” and they are certainly not all equal. For instance, you detox every day: Breathing, Urinating, Stooling, and Sweating are among the easiest to do. If you are here in Texas, you might be sweating more than any of the other three. With that being said, when I say “detox,” I am referring to a more in-depth process that is more difficult to control. The detox pathways I am referring to are in the liver where the majority of your toxins are broken down and prepared for elimination.

With inadequate detoxification pathways, your body cannot eliminate toxins through breathing, sweating, stooling, or urinating, so it stores these toxins.

Toxins that can be eliminated are water soluble, so it can be eliminating with any liquid elimination (urinating, sweating).

Toxins that cannot be eliminated are fat soluble, and they can only be eliminated through stooling. However, if you are constipated or have digestive disturbances, then you are unlikely adequately removing the fat soluble toxins. Where do all these fat soluble toxins go if they are not eliminated? Luckily and unluckily, your body is inherently brilliant. If your body cannot eliminate a fat soluble toxin, it hides it in fat cells kind of like humans hiding their junk in closets. What happens when you run out of storage space? You rent more! Your body cannot rent more storage space, but it can create more fat cells to hide toxins. The motto of your body is, “The solution to pollution is dilution.” Therefore, your body dilutes toxins with fat …and more fat …and more fat. Almost like a packrat or hoarder overfills their house with junk.

Have you ever lost weight and felt terrible? While there are multiple reasons for that, one of the main reasons is toxin release. As you lose fat cells, you lose toxin storage space, and these toxins enter the bloodstream. While toxins are stored in fat cells, they are relatively asymptomatic (without side effects). However, when toxins enter the bloodstream, they begin interfering with biochemical processes, brain function, and energy production. You begin developing symptoms of fatigue, joint pains, digestive disturbances, constipation, and so forth. When these side effects kick in, you become a slug and crave sweet foods and caffeine for the needed energy boost. These sweet foods put the weight back on and toxins go back into storage. Then, you feel “normal” again. This is a major reason why many people stay the same weight with a 5-pound fluctuation throughout the year.

How do I get rid of toxins stored in my fat?

This is a rather complex answer. The simple answer is that you need to restore and optimize your detoxification pathways while reducing the toxins coming in (drugs, non-organic foods, chemicals, etc). While doing this, your body will be able to catch up on its toxic load and begin removing unnecessary toxins. Any weight loss program should start with a 10 day detox, and you should repeat the detox for every 20 pounds lost (if not more).

We offer several ways to detox:

Our most popular detox program is a 10-day Detox that jumpstarts your weight loss program.

We also offer more aggressive Environmental and Heavy Metal Detoxification (Chelation Therapy) programs that last 4 months. Join us at one of our upcoming Detoxification Events in September to learn more about toxins, detoxification, and chelation therapy. We will be able to answer any questions that you may have. We will be hosting two events at different venues and dates. Visit the Event Website for more information.