Allergy Relief in Austin, TX
We Are A United Allergy Services Clinic
Attention allergy sufferers: long-term allergy relief IS possible! Our allergy protocol treats more than just your symptoms, we treat your allergies. Our onsite allergy clinic makes it convenient to get tested, get treated, and get to feeling better! Allergies are no fun. 40% of children suffer from allergic rhinitis (allergies) and are at risk of developing asthma, which results in 10.5 million lost days of school each year.
We are all familiar with the typical allergy symptoms: sniffling, sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, sore throat… but did you know that allergies can also be the culprit behind fatigue, trouble focusing, depression, memory problems, slowed thinking, ear infections, and dark circles/puffiness under the eyes?
Allergy Care Center in Austin
Our allergy clinic is here to help. The first step in taking control of your allergies is conducting an allergy test. For example, it is important to know if you are allergic to your cat, or the grass that your cat has been outside rolling around in. Once we know what is causing your allergies, we can explore avoidance techniques, oral medications or immunotherapy (a long-term solution).
The gold standard of allergy testing, the Skin Pick Test, is non-invasive and not painful. The testing device gently abrades the skin’s surface with the allergens being tested for, results develop in about 15 minutes. A positive test will appear as a raised, red bump on the skin, similar to a mosquito bite.
The benefits of immunotherapy include enjoying life without the daily dependence on over-the-counter allergy medicine, long-term results (it is the only disease modifying treatment for allergies), and a decreased chance of developing allergic asthma or reducing the severity of existing allergic asthma.
What Are Allergies?
Allergies can be defined as an adverse reaction to allergens by the immune system. Allergies can cause persistent symptoms such as:
- Fatigue
- Runny/Stuffy Nose
- Sore Throat
- Itchy/Watery Eyes
- Sneezing
The holiday season is upon us! Have you been worried that your consistent sneezing, stuffy/runny nose or itchy/watery eyes are going to ruin the festivities? Did you know that your provider has personalized allergy care available for you that fits within your busy holiday schedule? Ask your provider about your allergy test and treatment options, today!
Learn More About How We Can Provide Allergy Relief For You:
What are Allergies?
Allergy Testing
Treating Allergies
Allergy Testing & Treatment FAQs