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Online Supplements

The providers at Austin Family Medicine Associates are advocates for nutritional supplementation based on the specific needs of each patient. Food is first, however in this busy, hectic world, many do not find time to eat a nutrient dense diet on a consistent basis. Even in the instance of a perfect diet, imperfect digestion and absorption can lead to nutrient deficiencies which may lead to gene expression of chronic diseases and leave the body more susceptible to acute illnesses like flu, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, and other bacterial and viral infections.

Science based nutrition is imperative to re-establish function, fight foreign invaders, and prevent disease. Addressing the root causes of chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and heart disease can help your body function at a more optimal state.

We recommend that you have a consult with our nutritionist to best advise you on appropriate supplementation based on your bio-individuality. We also offer specific nutrient testing including Genova’s NutrEval and Spectra Cell’s Nutritional testing to better assess your nutritional status.

Two commonly asked questions are:

  1. Where should I get my supplements?

  2. Can I find a less expensive substitute?

The simple answer is: Only professional grade supplements from a reputable company are recommended as they are tested for absorbability and are based on science. After all, if you are spending your hard earned money, you should make sure that your supplements are broken down appropriately and utilized by your body. You also want to avoid toxic fillers, which are found in less expensive products. If you have ever refrained from taking fish oil due to “fishy burps”, then you more than likely ended up with an impure, rancid fish oil.

We know that searching for supplements on your own can become confusing and tedious. We have taken the work out of the equation for you as we carry only the best quality of professional grade supplements and are now excited to announce that we have multiple online options to make shopping for your supplements quick and easy. Moreover, they are delivered to your door!

Online Store Options Include:

Metagenics Online Store:

  1. Click on the following link:
  1. Click on create an account
  2. Under “Patient Account”, click on sign up
  3. Enter information
  4. The Practitioner code is: AFMA
  5. Metagenics will give you 20% off of your first order and free shipping
  6. Placing your supplements on standing order will save you time and money. Each product placed on standing order will receive 10% off and free shipping.

HealthWave Online Store:

HealthWave will allow you to order from multiple professional grade supplement companies at one time.

To place your first order, you will need to contact Heather or Kim in order to create an account.

Contact Heather or Kim:


After you contact Heather or Kim, you will:

Go to

Click on: Don’t have an account? Create one!

Click on Patient

Enter email and create a password

You are now ready to order products.

Our Healthcare Providers commonly recommend these supplements for the following conditions:


For General Health:

Multivitamin: PhytoMulti (Metagenics)

Fish Oil: OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 1000 (Metagenics)

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 5,000IU (Metagenics)


For MTHFR Mutations:

Glycogenics (Metagenics)

Methylfolate 15 (Methyl Life)

Methyl B12 1,000mcg (Protocol)


For Inflammation, Nerve Pain, and Joint Pain:

S-Acetyl Glutathione (Xymogen)

N-Acetyl Cysteine (Xymogen)

Turmeric: Inflavanoid (Metagenics)


For Bowel Issues like IBS, Dysbiosis, and SIBO:

L-Glutamine: GI Repair (Vital Nutrients)

Probiotic: UltaFlora Acute Care (Metagenics)

Digestive Enzymes (Vital Zymes)


For High Cholesterol:

Red Yeast Rice: Coratin (Metagenics)

Plant Sterols: Meta-Sitosterol (Metagenics)


For Elevated Blood Sugar, Metabolic Syndrome, Prediabetes, Diabetes:

Berberine (Vital Nutrients)

Insinase (Metagenics)

UltraMeal Plus 360 (Metagenics)


For Insomnia or Poor Sleep:

Benesom (Metagenics)

Sleep Aid (Vital Nutrients)


For Adrenal Fatigue:

Ashwagandha 500mg (Pure Encapsulations)

Adrenal (Pure Encapsulations)

Adren-All (OrthoMolecular)

Adapten-All (OrthoMolecular)

AdreneVive (OrthoMolecular)


For Immune Boosting:

Immucore (Metagenics)

Vitamin C: UltraPotent C 1,000 (Metagenics)

Mycoferon (Metagenics)For Kids:

PhytoMulti for Kids (Metagenics)

Probiotics for Kids (Endomune)

Vitamin D3 Dropper (Metagenics)