Top Reasons Your Weight Loss Program May Not Work


austin family medicine weight loss programHave you ever wondered why you lose and regain the same 20 pounds? Are you exercising and eating “healthy”, but still not able to continue to lose or maintain? One or more of the following may be playing a role in your inability to achieve your optimal weight.

Are you chronically stressed?

Believe it or not, stress is one of the top reasons that people are unable to lose weight. The adrenal glands secrete hormones to help us cope with stress and survive. Adrenal glands release hormones to help combat injury, illness, and even every day stressors such as dealing with work or family issues. Your energy, vitality and daily functions all rely on properly functioning adrenal hormones.

Due to the stress response, the adrenal hormones act on the liver, allowing for conversion of glycogen back to glucose which enters the blood stream. The elevated glucose stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, without even eating. Insulin is important as it is the key to let glucose into the cell and covert energy, however, too much insulin causes the cell to become insulin resistant due to overuse. The unused insulin then stores as fat around the middle, causing an apple shaped appearance as time passes.

The adrenals, pancreas, and liver work in harmony to regulate blood sugar, which in turns allows for maintenance of a healthy weight. When one of the three are out of sync, they are all affected. Learning proper techniques to reduce stress impact is imperative for properly functioning adrenals and balanced blood sugar.

Do you have toxic burden?

Chances are you have been exposed to many toxins over the course of your life time. From the water we drink, to the air we breathe, to the food that we eat, toxins surround us. Xenoestrogens(fake estrogens) from pesticides, attach to the cell receptors and disrupt proper cellular communication leading to hormone imbalances, making it difficult to lose weight. Toxins such as heavy metals create improper cell signaling and place burden on tissues and organs throughout the body, leading to impairment of organ function. Toxins also cause fat cells to grow and take up more space. As toxic burden increases, so does fat mass.

To remove toxins from tissue, you must first turn the toxin from a lipid soluble substance to a water soluble substance and have proper nutritional support in order to shuttle them out of the body. Detoxification needs to be guided by a qualified Practitioner, who is knowledgeable about phase I & II detoxification and the methylation pathways.

Do you have digestive complaints?

Another factor that is critical to weight loss is proper digestion. Do you have constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, or reflux? Have you been told that you have IBS? These symptoms may seem like your “normal”, however, they are not normal and can lead to many health issues. First, let’s discuss how digestion is supposed to work. Proper digestion starts in the brain and allows for digestive enzymes to be secreted by salivary glands, prior to food entering the mouth. As you take your first bite, you need to chew properly in order for food to be broken down, stimulate other digestive enzymes and secretions to be released and allow for proper breakdown, absorption, and elimination. Improper digestion can lead to leaky gut, food sensitivities, migraines, headaches, obesity, chronic fatigue, ADD/ADHD, joint pain, rashes, eczema, psoriasis and an inability to lose weight, just to name a few. Food sensitivity testing or food elimination is useful to identify foods that are causing adverse reactions. Yes, even things like spinach, broccoli, and blueberries can be a culprit.

To start 2015 off in the right direction, the Nutrition team at Austin Family Medicine has designed a specific detox/food elimination and weight loss program to help you identify possible food triggers and break toxins from tissue and fat cells in order to obtain your weight loss goals. You will also learn habits to help you maintain for a lifetime: manage stress, eat right for your body, exercise and improve energy.

Click here to see our Platinum Weight Loss Program.